Bhadranie Thoradeniya is an academic member of the Institute of Technology
University of Moratuwa with over 40 years of overall experience in the industry
and in the academia. She held the positions of Chairperson, NAITA and Head of
the Division of Civil Engineering. She was also a Visiting Fellow at the Western
Sydney University, Australia in 2013/2014.
started her career as a Construction Superintendent at the State Engineering
Corporation after completing National Diploma in Technology (Civil Engineering)
from the University of Moratuwa. Thereafter, she acquired further academic
qualifications including MSc (Distinction) from IHE, Netherlands, MPhil from
the Open University of Sri Lanka, and PhD from the University of Moratuwa. Her
research interest span across several fields including Irrigation and water
resources and has published a number of research articles.
She is the
President-Elect of the institution of Incorporated Engineers Sri Lanka in the
current session and has held many positions in the Council of Management.